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Vilarinho das Furnas + Short
Institute of Contemporary Arts
Vilarinho das Furnas, dir. António Campos, Portugal 1971, 77 min., Portuguese with English subtitles

In Vilarinho das Furnas, Campos documented the last months of a small and isolated village in northern Portugal, which would soon be flooded by the waters of a new hydroelectric dam. The subsistence of this village depended for decades on a communal form of autonomous organisation and commoning. The same water that irrigated their fields would soon cover their homes. Aware of this situation, Campos wanted to make this film to preserve an image of Vilarinho. 

Campos filmed for eighteen months, recording the stories of the people as they slowly opened up to him and filming the place and daily activities with great rigour. The film is a political tribute to the site and the resistance of those who lived there.

Portraits of those on the banks of the River Lis is a short visual experiment about the people living and working on the banks of the River Lis in the centre of Portugal. This region would become one of the major themes and motives in Campos’ work. 

Portraits of those on the banks of the River Lis (Retratos dos das Margens do Rio Lis), dir. António Campos, Portugal 1965, 10 min.
Vilarinho das Furnas, dir. António Campos, Portugal 1971, 77 min., Portuguese with English subtitles

The screening will be preceded by an introduction by season co-curator Ricardo Matos Cabo.
Retratos dos das Margens do Rio Lis 
Digitization by Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema.

Vilarinho das Furnas 
Digitisation by Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema, under the frame of the FILMar project, part of the European Financial Mechanism EEA Grants 2020-2024.
Ticket information
  • All tickets that do not require ID (full price, disabled, income support) can be printed at home or stored in email
  • For aged-based concession tickets (under 25, student) please bring relevant ID to collect at the front desk before the event.

All films are ad-free and 18+ unless otherwise stated, and start with a 10 min. curated selection of trailers.

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