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ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
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Lost and Found, You Still Remain There
A Phil Solomon Retrospective
Institute of Contemporary Arts

Internationally acclaimed American filmmaker Phil Solomon (1954-2019) created a body of cinematic virtuosity and poetic resonance that profoundly expanded the found footage genre, as he explored and exploited material idiosyncrasies of his sources – whether chemically altering the emulsion of Hollywood films and personal home movies or détourning the digital gaming universe of Grand Theft Auto. In his analog days, Solomon described himself as an inverse archeologist, throwing “Schmutz” on cultural artifacts to defamiliarize the imagery, creating works that walk a fine line between abstraction and figuration, unfolding an interior emotional vocabulary seamlessly married to meticulously constellated worlds of sound. – Eve Heller

Sonic Cinema and The Phil Solomon Project are pleased to present this retrospective, in the form of three programmes.
The series has been curated by Mark McElhatten. Eve Heller will be here in person to present the programmes.

With thanks to Eve Heller and Mark McElhatten. Very special thanks to Mark Toscano (Academy Film Archive).

Eve Heller initiated the founding of the Phil Solomon Project together with Mark McElhatten in the wake of Phil’s passing in 2019. The PSP is dedicated to sustaining the preservation, distribution, screening, exhibition, and publication of Phil Solomon’s artwork and thought.

Sonic Cinema is a research project and event series by Oliver Dickens, exploring the intersection of moving-image, sound art and music practice. It is dedicated to the memory of Louis Benassi. Sonic Cinema also presents occasional repertory screenings of under-screened cinematic gems.


Sat 4 May, 2.30pm
Phil Solomon, Programme 1
This programme brings together some of Phil Solomon’s most abstract works with celluloid.

Sun 5 May, 2.30pm
Phil Solomon, Programme 2
This programme charts Phil Solomon’s move into digital filmmaking, which resulted in some of his most iconic works.

Sun 5 May, 4.30pm
Phil Solomon, Programme 3
This programme brings together six of Phil Solomon’s most personal works, in an oeuvre which is marked by its private poetry.