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Queer Art Projects presents: Godasses Trilogy + Hypermasculinity on the Dancefloor + Q&A
Institute of Contemporary Arts
A white statue of a man sits on an altar in the centre of a star shape. Other statues/people appear sit around them, worshipping. Roman columns line the backdrop under pink-purple light
Godasses Trilogy, dir. Emre Busse, 2021, 18 min.

Queer Art Projects presents a selection of works from filmmaker Emre Busse whose work explores masculinity and gay pornography.


6 – 6:30pm
GODASSES – PART 1: Puscle Mussy
Dir. Emre Busse, 2021, 6 min.

Busse focuses exclusively on porn star Mussy’s divine derriere as part of his newest compilation of short films, which continues his earlier filmic explorations of gay pornography and masculinity. In this new project, he questions the myth of having the perfect keister in queer pornography.

GODASSES – Part II: 5ildo
Dir. Emre Busse, 2021, 5 min.

Whereas the first video of Emre Busse’s GODASSES reverences the luscious materiality of the butt, the second part of his trilogy openly centers its open center. Together with adult entertainer 5ildo, Busse examines the asshole as gateway into a world of polymorphous pleasures beyond the confines of gender.

GODASSES – Part III: Jamal Phoenix
Dir. Emre Busse, 2022, 8 min.

For the final instalment in his GODASSES trilogy, Emre Busse conspires with trans porn talent Jamal Phoenix to redefine the desirable body outside of a hegemonic society’s normative restrictions and fuck with a viewer’s assumed self-assurance as being a coherent sexual subject. 

6:30 – 7pm 
Screening followed by Tuna Erdem in conversation with Cüneyt Çakırlar.

7 – 8pm
Hyper Masculinity on the Dance Floor, dir. Emre Busse and Selin Davasse, 2016, 50 min. 

The film asks questions like does hyper-masculine gay men undermine the dominant hetero-patriarchal values around gender and sexuality by showing masculinity to be performative rather than some form of essential identity attainable only by heterosexual men? Or does it reinforce the dominant values of hetero-patriarchy by placing a higher value on masculinity over femininity and a heterosexual gender expression over a homosexual or queer one? In relation to the hyperfemininity of drag queens, to what degree is camp and irony involved in the performance of hypermasculinity?
About the artists

Emre Busse’s film and research practices are based on the philosophy of contemporary sexualities and trans-cultural pornography studies. His recent work, the Godasses Trilogy, has been presented at international film festivals, including San Francisco Porn Film Festival, Porn Film Festival Brussels, Post-Porn Film Festival Warsaw. He is a member of the Masculinity, Sex, and Popular Culture Network, a research network funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) located in the United Kingdom. Currently, Emre Busse is finishing his Ph.D. on gay ethnic pornography in post-colonial Europe at the Freie University Berlin.

Selin Davasse lives and works in Berlin. In her research-based performance practice, she repurposes disparate literary and performative techniques to envision and enact the ethics of alternative presents and speculative futures. Composed of narrative and sonic textures, her work condenses systems of thought into intimate feminine expressions and presents them in song or speech, often with playful and participatory layers that form hospitable relations with the audience.

Tuna Erdem is an artist, curator and creative producer based in London. She is a founding member of Istanbul Queer Art Collective and co-director of Queer Art Projects. She holds an MA in Film and Art Theory from University of Kent and a PhD on Film, TV and Theatre from Reading University and has more than a decade of teaching experience in the Arts and Humanities.

Cüneyt Çakirlar is Associate Professor of Film and Visual Culture at Nottingham Trent University. His current research practice focuses on sexuality studies, global visual cultures, and transnational horror studies. Çakirlar has taught on queer arts and film theory at UCL (UK), Boğazici University (Turkey) and Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey). He co-edited a volume about cultures of sexual dissidence in contemporary Turkey, namely Cinsellik Muamması: Türkiye’de Queer Kültür ve Muhalefet (2012), and co-translated Judith Butler’s Bodies That Matter (1993) into Turkish (2014). He currently leads a British Academy project on “Transnational Horror, Folklore, and Cultural Politics” (2021-2023).
Ticket information
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  • For aged-based concession tickets (under 25, student) please bring relevant ID to collect at the front desk before the event.

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