ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
If one of us is sick, we are all sick. The history of illness has never just been plagues and the invention of penicillin. It is a history of disparate access to care. It is a history of devastation, a history of violence via colonial experimentation and the organisation of societies that continue to infect us. When we say this world makes us sick, we mean that it is organised by capitalist logics that produce precarity, instability of relation and unlivable conditions. We mean that the big polluters give us cancer, the carceral state sections us, pharmaceutical companies drive up the price of life saving drugs. The state abandons us when the virus begins to circulate. We say fuck the medical model and the algorithmic diagnositics it uses to pathologise us. Our bodies are not the problem. By poking holes in the medical model, we propose a methodology for being sick and keeping each other alive.
6 March – 5 April 2021
A pre-recorded night of readings and reflections about illness, work, care, love and doing nothing introducing bare minimum's residency at the ICA. Participants include Raisa Kabir, D Mortimer, Imani Robinson, and members of SWARM.
13 April – 13 May 2021
A screening of Del LaGrace Volcano’s film Pansexual Public Porn (1997) and an interview from Marc Thompson’s YouTube series The Undetectables.
Monday 3 May 2021, 6pm
Examining how we can imagine beyond the limits placed on our bodies through discussion and free writing with Lola Olufemi.
Thursday 24 June 2021, 6pm
Life drawing workshop led by Christine Pungong and Vera Chapiro, followed by discussion surrounding Johanna Hedva’s ‘Sick Woman Theory’ and Jack Halberstam’s ‘Trans*’.
Date to be confirmed
Imagining the healthcare system and its future based on the traditions of worldbuilding and imagination in role playing games (RPG) with Leo Woods and Vera Chapiro.
no. 236848.