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ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
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The ICA is temporarily closed until further notice
Institute of Contemporary Arts
Today I decided, together with the senior management-team and Wolfgang Tillmans, Chair of the ICA, that it is in the best interests of our staff and the ICA community to temporarily close. 

As a civic-minded public organisation, for us, the medical and scientific evidence leaves no doubt that the Covid-19 spread can be slowed down, lives saved if all larger gatherings are suspended. By doing so, the ICA pre-empts what we hope will eventually be the decision for all cultural organisations in London and the UK in order to safeguard our staff, our visitors, and the artists with whom we work. We will continue to review the situation daily and hope we can resume our programme as soon as possible. All ICA staff will work from home and continue to be paid. 

In the meantime, our thoughts go out to all those whose health is impacted here in London, across the UK, Europe and the world.

Stefan Kalmár, Director
16 March 2020
The ICA is a charity. If you would like to support us during this difficult time, you can join the ICA as a member or make a donation here.

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