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OPEN from 12:00pm
ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
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this dark gleamthis dark gleam
Institute of Contemporary Arts
April – August 2024

this dark gleam is a six-month programme of experimental dance work. The programme presents live performances and workshops that act as sites for speculation and reinvention, often transdisciplinary, embedding formal technique with social dance. Alongside the performance programme, ICA runs a free monthly reading group exploring raving and contemporary dance as philosophical projects.

Wednesday 3 & Thursday 4 April, 8pm, Stage
GONER: marikiscrycrycry
marikiscrycrycry presents GONER, a sensuous, suspense-filled and fearsome choreographic journey.

Friday 26 & Saturday 27 April, 8pm, Stage
Afterlife: Louis Schou-Hansen & Karoline Bakken Lund
Afterlife by Louis Schou-Hansen & Karoline Bakken Lund moves through a series of twisted dances from the late Italian Renaissance and early French Baroque, dispersed with a weird pop-cultural referential landscape.

Tuesday 21 May
letting go of things: emilyn claid
Artist and dancer emilyn claid leads a workshop on letting go.

Tuesday 28 May, 6:30pm
Reading Group: Raving as Practice
Inspired by McKenzie Wark’s proposition that raving is an art and technique employed as a response to an ‘era of diminishing futures’.

Clay AD: Get into the pit
‘I had the intention to do a shake every day while writing this text. Though it did not happen every day, I did shake most days, alone in my house or in the park, and from these shakes the structure and thinking of this text emerged.’

Tuesday 11 – 13 June
Billy Morgan: Lures
Staging textual situations in combination with gesture, dance and music, the work develops Morgan’s interest in the fictionality of the body and its potential for channelling lives at the periphery.

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