ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
Effortlessly fluid in style, weaving together fiction, non-fiction, the essayistic and the epistolary, Senegalese auteur Safi Faye’s film Man Sa Yay follows Moussa, a young student at Berlin’s Technische Universität. Preceded by Rabia Teguia’s short film Ya França, Ya França.
Ya França, Ya França
Dir. Rabia Teguia, France 1980, 11 min.
Dir. Rabia Teguia, France 1980, 11 min.
Rabia Teguia came to France from Algeria in the early 1960s and studied film at the Center Experimental Libre de Vincennes. Ya França! Ya França! is a personal film that she shot during her studies and a feminist claim, a manifesto by a migrant woman captured on film.
Man Sa Yay (I, Your Mother)
Dir. Safi Faye, FRG / Senegal 1980, 59 min.
Dir. Safi Faye, FRG / Senegal 1980, 59 min.
The Senegalese filmmaker Safi Faye, who became known primarily for her documentary films about rural life in Senegal, came to West Berlin in 1980 on a scholarship. Here she made the film Man Sa Yay (I, Your Mother) in commission by German television, which was subsequently forgotten, although it is one of the few films to deal with the experiences of West African students in Germany. Faye tells the story of Moussa, a Senegalese student who studies at the TU Berlin and is in constant correspondence with his mother. The longing, worries and curiosities can be heard in these letters, but also the mother's expectations, which are not least financial. Moussa stands for many others who have to go through similar experiences far away from home, who are confronted with clichés in everyday life and whose bodies are occasionally racialised in Europe.
The screening will be introduced by SINEMA TRANSTOPIA co-founders Can Sungu & Malve Lippmann.
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- For aged-based concession tickets (under 25, student) please bring relevant ID to collect at the front desk before the event.
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