ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.

Screen Practices is an ongoing series foregrounding collective endeavour in the ICA Cinema. The Cinema becomes a space of experimentation, collaboration and exchange programmed over a weekend by an invited collective.
The series aims to embrace alternative programming and curatorial practices evolving within a fast-evolving film exhibition landscape, notably marked by fewer and fewer spaces embracing experimentation. As one of the last remaining independent spaces, the ICA aims, with the series, to bring audiences together, resisting recent industry development that have contributed to scattering them.
Screen Practices advocates for an expansion of the notion of film exhibition by showcasing unconventional practices and means of engagement. Acknowledging the physicality of Cinema as a tool for expression and exchanges, the series creates a space for individuals and collectives to operate. During those weekends, the Cinema merely exists through the interaction between the guest programme and its audience – both of which are constitute elements of its existence.
First iteration:
Shasha Movies is the independent streaming service for South-West Asian and North African cinema. The platform presents a carefully curated selection of 20 films every two months to a global audience, in original language with English subtitles. Films are available to watch by all, anywhere in the world.
Second iteration:
Pink Life KuirFest founded in 2011 and organised by Turkey’s oldest trans, autonomous organisation Pink Life (Pembe Hayat), is the first and only queer film festival in Turkey since 2011. The festival endeavours to transnationalise awareness of the existence/ resistance of LGBTQI+ people in and from Turkey through the development of a series of artistic interventions and film programmes in spaces across the Republic and abroad. Through its international collaborations, KuirFest showcases films by local talents and presents them through an intersectional, queer lens.
Third iteration:
SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA by bi'bak explores cinema as a space of social discourse, exchange and solidarity. At its location in Berlin-Wedding, SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA establishes itself as a transnational space for film culture, art, knowledge and community, creating a bridge between urban space and film as cultural practice. Here a place is created where urbanity and transnationalism coexist, a place that enables access, stimulates discussion, educates, moves, provokes and encourages.
Current Programme

Fri 15 - Sun 17 March 2024
This programme curated by Noindex presents a collection of films that examine how rethinking organized labour might disentangle the web of financial abuse inherent to the business of culture.
Past Programme

Fri 8 - Sun 10 December 2023
A programme of screenings curated by Berlin-based collective SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA who explore cinema as a space of social discourse, exchange and solidarity.

Fri 2 – Sun 4 June 2023
LUBUNYA Dispatches
A programme of screenings and live events curated by this Turkish collective in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities

Fri 28 – Sun 30 April 2023
Shasha Movies: Archive Fever
The opening weekend programme features recently restored works in order to spark discussion about the politics of film restoration.
no. 236848.